Residential Gundog Training with Poppy the Springer Spaniel

Poppy the Springer Spaniel has now resided with me for 2 weeks. Ironically Poppy is related to Harley who I helped buy for a client and was recently in for residential gundog training. At the time the seller had two 9 month old puppies for sale so when my new client called saying he’d purchased a dog in Leigh I couldn’t believe the coincidence.

Poppy is as ahead strong as Harley was, her initial training has been very basic, in fact non existent. Over the first two weeks I’ve concentrated on instilling basic commands and focus which is progressing well. Her lead work can be intermittent as she’s been taught to pull and search. With time this will be corrected but as she’s nervous of some commands I working on small steps, building up her confidence.

I’m looking forward to the weeks ahead and I hope to have some video footage of her training posted next week.

residential gudog training springer spaniel

Posted: March 3, 2017